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Frequently Asked Questions

1. Can I bring my own food with me into the Bahamas?

Yes. You can bring all food and wine with you, besides fruits and vegetables.


2. Is there a Minyan over Shabbos?

YES! Shabbos Minyanim takes place at the Hyatt Baha Mar.

Be sure to join the Minyan WhatsApp group for zmanim by clicking here.

3. Is there a daily minyan?

There is no set daily minyan in the Bahamas.


Daily minyanim are not guaranteed; Minyanim takes place at the Grand Hyatt Baha Mar. 


Be sure to join the Minyan WhatsApp Group by clicking here.


4. Where can I find kosher food items on the island?

All local grocery stores are stocked with plenty of basic kosher items, with recognizable hashgacha.

5. Does the Baha Mar offer room keys for Shabbos?
The room keys are electronic. You can request a door magnet that will attach to the side of the door and prevent it from shutting. They are available at the check-in desk of the Hyatt. 

6. Does the Baha Mar resort have an Eruv?

YES, the Baha Mar has an Eruv around the entire property. (excluding the Beach, boardwalk and water park) 

7. Is it ok to carry on Shabbos inside the hotel?

Yes! One can carry anywhere in the hotel building on Shabbos.

8. Do the local groceries carry Kosher milk?

Kosher milk is available (not Cholov Yisroel). As always, be sure to check for a Kosher symbol.

9. Does the Bahamas have a women’s mikvah?

Not yet. Consult with your family Rabbi about how to use the ocean.

10. What is the weather in the Bahamas?

We are blessed with warm weather year-round. Winter lows average a comfortable 70 degrees Fahrenheit and summer highs with high humidity are at around 80–90 degrees Fahrenheit, with a gentle dip at night of just 5 to 7 degrees. Click here for today’s weather! 


Tourist Information



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